Sunday 10 March 2013

Interesting Debates

on masturbation and transgenderism

on the sort of snobbery that divides the trans community

My own view - the idea that trans people should conform to a set of rules by which they can be judged to be better women or men than those who don't is, frankyl, offensive in the extrme.

I take my inspiration from women of the late 19th early 20th century who wanted to buy into masculinity to the point that it helped them live a happier more fullfilling life. Most women are fairly butch these days, compared to their 19th century counterparts, as, indeed are men compared to their 18th and 17th century counterparts.

The people I admire are those that choose to move towards androgyny and carve out their own spaces between the genders. fine, if you want to be the opposite gender, go for it, but don't fucking judge me for not following the same route.

I know if I was a woman I would be treading the adrogyny line and probably with a whole lot more success than I do as a man - but that is where i want to be.

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