Saturday, 30 March 2013

about Lucy Meadows

This is worrying. You wonder if it is a trend - like the backlash against the poor, against the disabled, now against transsexuals  My own confidence in being Lizzie is extremely fragile so I can empathise entirely. Once you've decided the only way to be happy is to transition, change gender, live outside your assigned gender norms, and then you are hounded to the point where even transitioning can't make you happy, on a national level, which affects your job, your relationships, your family, your private life to the very core, then suicide can easily seem the only way out.

Littlejohn has a history of being a complete bastard. Contrary to the facts, history, all the laws of decency, he persists in taking people the right doesn't like and bullies them to the point where life becomes unbearable.

What makes this one different is that some feminists have waded in to support the bigots. WTF!!

Women fought for decades (centuries?) for the right to dress as they please and live as they please, and still do. Now those options might not be there for everyone. And they might not always be easy options. But they are there, and I'm pleased to say women are taking those options in their hundreds of thousands, without being called lesbians, unnatural or perverts or any other disgusting or inappropriate name. So why deny men the same rights? Men want to dress as they please, present in the gender they feel they are, and take advantage of the full spectrum of human existence - or just the part they happiest with.

Why the FUCK not? It is actually a matter of life and death round here. While a woman can put on men's clothes and go to the most bigoted pub in Welling, and join in with the lads talking about cars and football, or some such, how far do you think a man in a dress is going to get round here? Riducled at the very least, and certainly not treated as an equal to either gender!

We have enough fucking problems with Littlejohn and his army of little bigots who read his every word without the fucking feminists lining up to put the fucking boot in too!!!!

Read this:

Are the cis supremacists winning?

A blog by "Another Angry Woman"

Last week, an awful New Statesman column was published which featured a cis woman whining about being called cis. Me and Cel West wrote a takedown of it.

Yesterday, over 200 people mourned Lucy Meadows, standing in the cold with candles, outside the Daily Mail offices. Over 100,000 people have signed a petition calling for Richard Littlejohn to be fired for his tirade of hate. A part of me wondered–as it did in January when Julie Burchill and Suzanne Moore went on transphobic diatribes to mass outrage–that perhaps the tide was beginning to turn. That maybe, just maybe, we were overcoming the seething cissexism of society.

Some background in case this passed you by

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Dame Janet Bond

I found this on one of my random searches - don't they look good their new roles :-D

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Men in Saris: Mumbai's New Lavani Dancers : The New Yorker

Interesting Debates

on masturbation and transgenderism

on the sort of snobbery that divides the trans community

My own view - the idea that trans people should conform to a set of rules by which they can be judged to be better women or men than those who don't is, frankyl, offensive in the extrme.

I take my inspiration from women of the late 19th early 20th century who wanted to buy into masculinity to the point that it helped them live a happier more fullfilling life. Most women are fairly butch these days, compared to their 19th century counterparts, as, indeed are men compared to their 18th and 17th century counterparts.

The people I admire are those that choose to move towards androgyny and carve out their own spaces between the genders. fine, if you want to be the opposite gender, go for it, but don't fucking judge me for not following the same route.

I know if I was a woman I would be treading the adrogyny line and probably with a whole lot more success than I do as a man - but that is where i want to be.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

To Illustrate, Part 2 - Kaftan Years

In the mid '00s - 2005 / 06 / 07 I took to wearing kaftans a bit more. My reasoning was that they're a bit less obviously womens' wear and more like stuff that men can acceptably wear in many hot countries. 

That said - the one below is quite dress like - and for that reason was my favourite. It had a drawstring neckline and quite a hefty slit up the side - nice with a casual jacket. 

Then there's this - much more of a desert theme going on here. I wore this to death - even my wife didn't mind me wearing it round the house. Very, very long though, nd possibly quite a brave shade of green there....
Then there was this orange one...very feminine and yes - the only picture i have of me wearing it is in make up and very much in femme mode - as Stevie as I called myself at the time.

I lost my kaftans about 4 years ago in a mini purge...however, have just acquired a new one and want more for the summer. I also have a mini kaftan and there's nothing remotely manly about it :-p

Here's another couple of shots I just found - this long M&S skirt is long gone, but it was very pleasant to wear.
and this is my Glastonbury festival skirt - never worn at glasto but it was bought there in a last day sale.

Still have it - just washed and ironed it as I've lost enough weight now to get back into it.

and this was one of my wife's rare skirts....i'm not sure she wore it more than once - or ever. I wore it out to walk the dog in the mornings, and whenever i got the chance indoors. Nice to get one's legs out on a warm day. 

To Illustrate - part 1 - early days

All inspired by writing that last entry - here's a history of me as a man in women's clothing, and trying to make it work!!

I know I said those wedding dress pics were my first tranny photos - but this predates those by a couple of years. I'm wearing a lacy body under my shirt in about 1995

i fully intended to wear this top out in man mode  - but then put on so much weight i couldn't get it on. Still have it. It nearly fits again. goes nice with denim skirt or jeans! Emphasises the bust!

fully man mode here - hairy arms and everything!!

bought this dress on ebay. Not very practical. Probably shouldn't be included here, but, hey, why shouldn't i wear a nice formal dress to go out in on special occasions?

another slouchy dress i wore a lot, a hell of a lot, from about  97 when it was vaguely fashionable to about 10 years ago when it finally had to be thrown away.

this dress was lovely to wear, but i never really thought it suited me. Looks good in this pic though!

Womens' Clothes, Man's Body

After reading this thread on Angel Forum and this blog entry by an Angels member, which attempted the following:

I'm going to show a few pictures of "female" clothes looking good on a "male" frame. The four "models" (Michael, Jasper, Andrew, Alex) identify quite differently – respectively, across the spectrum: freestyler, femme, transvestite, trans-female – but that's not actually relevant here. What is, is that all have developed a personal style that expresses who they are in an attractive and (potentially) inspiring way.

I felt inspired to try the same. Of course, that was already a stated aim of mine, back when I discovered this blog, Eve's Rib, I decided to concentrate on what a feminised male would look like, and how s/he would dress. My desire to be a woman which as been with me since I can remember, has to be balanced against the fact that my physicality makes being a woman rather unlikely - or at least convincing woman that is. As my sister once put it, trannies are "butch men in dainty feminine women's clothes" - cos she had some of them trannies in her cab once - and to most people those two mental concepts, rugby playing hairy blokes, and soft, floaty or pretty clothes, cannot be brought together. 

I keep coming back to this dress cos its just so nice to be able to fling on a complete outfit in the morning, which is already hanging up by the bed. and very comfortable too. 

Though at this time of year I do find myself having to put tights on too - and a big cardy to feel cosy in the winter months.
Later the same day I tried this out as a combo for stepping out the front door. I feel it successfully walks the line between feminine and yet not so girly that it will incite the local EDL casuals to bash my brains out with a rock.

or with this jacket - please bear in mind, I would usually shave and brush my hair a but - yes I do let myself down in the presentation!!

and then at the end of the day I tried this. This is the office where i work, as a man. Only one person in my office knows I crossdress.

in the men's toilets

sitting at my desk