Monday, 26 December 2011

New start for blog

My Christmas day outfit
People following this blog may be forgiven for thinking that I had fallen at the first hurdle. Truth is, I was never happy about using Wordpress. While some claim it to be a superior blog hosting site, i found it clunky and limited. I have been using Blogger as (insert male name here) since 2005 and so am very adept at using it. I'm probably just too old now to be changing frm somehting I'm used to. Although to be fair, I don't think it's all me. Not only is Blogger easier to use, it seems to have many many more options to Customise your blog, at least not without having to pay anyway.
Also after my second going out experience back in October a couple of things happened to me. Firstly, I went through a brief period of euphoria where I thought anything was possible. After spending a day in the west end in female guise I felt I could dress exactly as I please and go anywhere. The reality of this gradually dawned on me however. How convoluted was the process involved? I had to leave from home extremely early (for me) to travel right across London to another girl's house. This was so that I could change and make-up, etc. without my flatmate catching me. They guy hardly ever seems to sleep and is up almost every hour of the day, hardly ever goes out and when he does go out I have no idea how long he wil be gone, unless he tell me. Even then I'm on dge lest he comes home early and catches me. At least when I lived with my wife I never had to worry about her catching me, because she knew!
Then at the end of quite an exhausting day walking about in heeled sandals, wearing a ludicrous amount of clothing - who knew it would be so hot in October, sweat running down my face, playing havoc with me make-up; my skirt was so long and heavy I had to hold it in the gusts of wind as I was starting to have problems walking in it - I had to travel back to my friend's house, change and then travel home, only to find I'd forgotten my house key and had to wait for my flatmate to come back from the pub! Got in at midnight, excited, but exhausted and tired from being up around 19 hours.
me on Xmas day
The area of London I live in is a BNP / UKIP stronghold. People like me aren't particularly welcome round here. I'd like to move. Even my own place around here would be an improvement. My biggest risk is that I get seen by one of the neighbours leaving or coming back to the house, and they mention it to my flatmate, who incidentally, owns the property. So if he didn't like it, I'd be out.
When I lived in my own house, not too far from here, I wasn't so afraid of going out. I used to head on out late in the evening or early in the morning, before the shops under my flat opened up, and I would head off for a drive or a walk. The walks got further and further out, towards the nearby railway station once with many many commuters walkiing past in the oppostite direction. I got very confident. One day, while out in a short pleated skirt, heels and long coat, I walked right through the middle of a large gang of young black guys standing around in the street, taking up the whole pavement. Astoundingly I seemes to have passed.
But more stories of my outings en femme later.
For now, I'm glad to be back blogging. And I have much to do before I'll be happy with it.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Every Day Lizzie

Most days, as Lizzie, I just like to relax around the house. I’m still far too scared to outside around here, hence the title of the blog. I have been out thanks to another girl I met recently and a one off incident in 2010 when my flatmate was away for a few days, and I slipped out of the house very early in a black dress and boots, with my bright yellow coat on over the top.
I think I amused some children on the way, not on purpose of course. But my make up was the least I thought I could get away with, due to lack of competence and lack of confidence. If I’d been a girl from birth then I’d have done all my make-up experiementation 30 years ago!
So I don’t think I looked much like a genetic woman, but I passed from a distance, I could tell from reaction of some people as they suddenly got close enough to see me properly.
Most people didn’t care either way, and some who noticed, actually smiled at me. Which was nice.
But that’s a story for another day. This is the story of everyday Lizzie. The Lizzie who doesn’t need to shave, doesn’t need make-up because she’s not going out, and only wants to wear something comfortable and / or warm for sitting around in the house, working on laptop, doing housework, reading a book or magazine.
In future posts I want to explore how Lizzie differs from (insert male name here). Her tastes in music, literature, what she likes to do, etc. And I’m also wondering if (insert make name here – to be known from now on as IMNH) begins to change in any way too, freed from the shackled of feminine Liz, will IMNH revert back to more acceptable masuline behavour, or will he continue down the road of feminisation. Of course if he’s not careful IMNH will disappear altoghter one day. Don’t think that hasn’t occured to him.
That’s all for now, here’s me today:


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Hello World

I’ve had blogs before, but I’ve never really had the means to keep it updated.
I Tweet quite a bit @Liz_indoors so you may want to follow me there. this, I hope, will enable me to voice all those thoughts, and record events that i would otherwise have to keep to myself.
Also – want to link up with as many other girls as possible.
Here’s a pic of me I quite like, see you laters:
cute black dress